Doudgy's artistic journey is deeply intertwined with the legacy of his father, Ralph Bricene Charles, a distinguished Haitian artist who recently passed away. Inspired by this profound connection, Doudgy aspires to uphold and celebrate his father's artistic heritage, showcasing his undiscovered pieces alongside his own. This collaborative endeavor bridges two realms, paying homage to his father's legacy while creating a lasting artistic impression of his own.


Doudgy Charmant, a Haitian artist, delves deep into the visceral language of the soul through his evocative paintings. His works transcend the ordinary, exploring themes of love, healing, strength, divinity, community, and spirituality.

Charmant views art as the primary language of the spirit—a primal, spiritual dialect through which every human initially communicates. Through vibrant colors and fluid forms, his paintings dance, sing, and doodle the profound messages of the spirit. Charmant is dedicated to sharing these divine whispers, crafting a lifelong narrative that speaks directly to the core of human existence. His art invites us to listen closely and connect deeply with the spiritual dialogues that resonate within us all.



Vision Statement: "Dew World Art Gallery envisions a world where art transcends boundaries, connecting the past with the present, and nurturing the creative spirits of tomorrow. Our mission is to illuminate the legacy of artists across generations, fostering a vibrant community where art is celebrated, learned, and shared."

Mission Statement: "Dew World Art Gallery is dedicated to the preservation, celebration, and evolution of art. Through our three branches, we aim to honor the legacy of Ralph Bricene Charles and promote the contemporary works of Doudgy Charmant, while empowering emerging artists through the Dreamers Art Club. Our commitment lies in providing a dynamic platform for artists to flourish, share their stories, and connect with the world. By investing in Dew World, visiting our exhibitions, or spreading the word, you become part of a movement that values art's profound impact on society and individual lives."

Join us at Dew World Art Gallery, where every brushstroke tells a story, every canvas inspires a dream, and every visit ignites the imagination. Together, let's create a future where art is an accessible, celebrated, and integral part of our global community.